miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

How to update parallelism in a resource manager plan

If you have a Resource Manager Plan and you need to limit the usage of parellism  for the users in a  consumer group, you can use the following piece of code.

For this example, I will modify the following resource manager configuration where the consumer group "USER01" is set to use Parallelism = 2 (Check the last column)


 dbms_resource_manager.UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE (
 plan => 'MY_PLAN',
 group_or_subplan => 'USER01',
 new_mgmt_p1 => 60,
 new_comment  => 'Limit parallel 1 and cpu 60 percent',
 new_parallel_degree_limit_p1 => 1


Verify that the new value has been set successfully (Check the last column):

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