lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

How to connect with VNC to Oracle OCI Instance (Not GUI)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides "Instance Console Connections" which basically allow to connect to an OCI Instance, The documentation provides the following definition:

Instance Console Connections

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute service provides console connections that enable you to remotely troubleshoot malfunctioning instances, such as:

  • An imported or customized image that does not complete a successful boot.
  • A previously working instance that stops responding.
There are two types of instance console connections:
  • Serial console connections
  • VNC console connections

In this article I will show how to connnect using VNC.

First, Go to your Oracle Cloud account, and then "Compute" -> Instances:

Click on your Instance Name, in this example "LinuxVM2":

Then clic in "Console Connections", This is at the bottom of the page:

Click  in "Create Console Connection":

You have to create the Keys previously, here just upload the "Public Key" by clicking on "Browse". Then click on "Create Console Connection":

Click on the three points you see at the right " . . ." and then "Connect with VNC":

Select the Operating System you are using, in my Case it's windows. Copy the command line and then paste it in a Text Editor (Notepad, for example)

In the Text Editor Replace the value “$env:homedrive$env:homepath\oci\console.ppk” with the Path of your Private Key, in my case is “C:\Users\Deiby\Documents\privateOCI.ppk"

Now we have to run the new Command line in "PowerShell":

Paste it in PowerShell and you will have to type "y" when it asks you. Once done a Tunel has been created and now youcan connect using VNC.

To connect with VNC, just use "localhost:5900"

Now you can see what's going on in the Console, this console is persitent to reboots of the Instance, that's why you can use to fix problems.

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Thanks #OracleACE Program for this awesome certificate recognizing the work I have done in the community for the last year. Looking forwa...